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Freebies from me to you!
Back of the Toilet Door (BTTD) Collection.™
If you love inspiring, empowering and insightful quotes then you are definitely going to love the Back of the Toilet Door (BTTD) Collection.™ This collection of resilience building affirmation posters are perfect for the home and workplace. Put a new poster up each week in a place where you will see it often, like on the back of the toilet door and it will be a become a powerful reminder that you are capable of overcoming any challenge.
Five ways mums can reduce stress and anxiety
This one is for you lovely Mums. Looking after your own wellbeing doesn’t always mean DOING MORE. Find out how you can reduce your stress and anxiety right now by DOING LESS in this free informative video.
6 steps to overcome feelings of anxiety for kids and teens
It can be difficult for kids and teens to remember the practical steps needed to help them overcome anxiety when they are experiencing it in the moment. This postcard is the perfect size to fit in their diary, phone case or pocket where it is easily accessible when they need a visual reminder of the steps to take to get through an anxious moment.
10 Practical ways to Reduce Anxiety & Build Resilience for Kids and Teens
For parents and educators who are supporting kids & teens to thrive!